Have your say on the EES process

Have your say on the draft Scoping Requirements for the Lindsay and Wallpolla Islands EES and the Hattah Lakes North and Belsar-Yungera EES. Both are open for public comment from 23 April until midnight on 14 May 2021.

Submissions open 23 April on the EES scoping requirements

The draft scoping requirements for four of the proposed Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project (VMFRP) sites will be released this Friday 23 April on the Engage Victoria website.

EES scoping requirements to be released in April 2021

The Minister for Planning is currently developing ‘scoping requirements’ for the environmental assessment process for the nine VMFRP sites.

Putting the call out for community input into floodplain projects

Expressions of Interest are being sought from community members, forest user groups, Traditional Owners, and industry representatives keen to provide advice and input into two proposed VMFRP sites in north central Victoria.

Expressions of interest for Stakeholder Advisory Groups for Guttrum-Benwell and Gunbower projects

Expressions of interest are sought from interested community members, forest user groups, Traditional Owners, and industry representatives to participate in two separate VMFRP Stakeholder Advisory Groups.

Community central to next step – environmental assessment process

Victoria’s effort to restore and protect nine areas of high-value Murray River floodplain will prioritise community engagement and consultation, as it moves into the formal environmental assessment process.

VMFRP East projects environmental pathway released

Victorian Planning Minister Richard Wynne has advised the two east Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Projects – at Gunbower National Park and Guttrum and Benwell state forests – to submit comprehensive environmental reports as part of their next stage.

Read more here.

Environment assessment process decided

The VMFRP has been formally advised of the outcomes of the environmental referrals process for each of the nine projects.

Nyah-Vinifera online community information session

We held an online community information session on 29 October 2020 to discuss the projects planned for Nyah-Vinifera Park under the Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project. Nine community members attended and generously shared their time to learn more about the projects and ask questions about a range of topics.

The presentation given at the meeting is available here.

A summary of questions and answers from the meeting is available here.

Thank you to everyone who took part in this information session, asked questions and shared their thoughts and feedback with us.

We will be ramping up our community consultation and talking to more people, more often throughout the remainder of this year and in 2021.

If you would like to know more, or would like to register your interest in upcoming community consultations, please email us at info@vmfrp.vic.gov.au

Community questions for Guttrum-Benwell

A response to common community questions for the Guttrum-Benwell site has been released.