EES/ER technical studies
As part of the Environment Effects Statement/Environment Report (EES/ER) process, we are assessing the potential impacts (effects) and benefits of VMFRP works, and how we propose to manage these effects during construction and operation.
The EES/ERs include the following technical studies :
Agriculture (EES only) | Ecology – Terrestrial flora | Noise and vibration |
Air quality | Geology, soils and contamination | Social and business |
Bushfire | Groundwater | Surface water |
Cultural heritage | Historic heritage | Landscape and visual |
Ecology – Aquatic | Land use planning (EES only) | Traffic and transport |
The matters to be investigated are outlined in the scoping requirements developed by DELWP.
Visit our EES portal
Visit our EES portal to see interactive maps, site documents, videos and environmental assessments.
Watch our Field in Focus series
Our Field in Focus technical presentation series gives some early insights into the work and observations of specialists assessing the potential environmental impacts (effects) of building and operating environmental works at the nine VMFRP sites. Submit any questions or input to these studies to
Effects on Surface Water, Groundwater and Geology
Field in Focus technical presentation #1
Hear from technical specialists on studies being done to understand potential effects on surface water, groundwater, and geology, soils and contamination.
Effects on Biodiversity
Field in Focus technical presentation #2
Hear from technical specialists on studies being done to understand potential effects on aquatic ecology, terrestrial ecology covering flora and fauna, air quality, and noise and vibration.
Effects on Land Use, Community and Business
Field in Focus technical presentation #3
Hear from technical specialists on studies being done to understand potential effects on agriculture, bushfire, land use planning, landscape and visual, social and business, and traffic and transport.
Field in Focus Fact Sheets
To understand more about the methods being used to assess the different impacts, download our Field in Focus fact sheets:
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on the impact assessment process (PDF, 470 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Surface Water, Groundwater and Geology (PDF, 1,076 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Biodiversity (PDF, 906 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Land Use, Community and Business (PDF, 559 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Cultural Heritage (PDF, 613 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Historical Heritage (PDF, 566 KB)
Have your say
If you have any thoughts or questions on the technical studies, email the project team at and we’ll put you in touch with the right person.
Questions and responses will be added to this web page.