EES portal
Documents and links
Newsletter (Floodplain Babbler)
Floodplain Babbler Edition 1 (June 2021)
Floodplain Babbler Edition 2 (Sept 2021)
Floodplain Babbler Edition 3 (Dec 2021)
Floodplain Babbler Edition 4 (Mar 2022)
Floodplain Babbler Edition 5 (June 2022)
Floodplain Babbler Edition 6 (Sept 2022)
Floodplain Babbler Edition 7 (Dec 2022)
VMFRP Project Update (Sept 2023)
Fact sheets and case studies
General project factsheet
VMFRP Fact Sheet English (PDF, 1.6 MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Hazaragi (PDF, 1.4 MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Kirundi (PDF, 1.4 MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Malay (PDF, 1.4MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Persian (PDF, 1.4 MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Simplified Chinese (PDF, 1.7 MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Swahili (PDF, 1.4 MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Thai (PDF, 1.5 MB)
VMFRP Fact Sheet Vietnamese (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Other factsheets
Floodplain restoration (hydrology) – The Fading Pulse of the Murray River (PDF, 1.3MB)
Floodplain restoration (using infrastructure) – Thriving Floodplains in a Modified River System (PDF, 1.8MB)
Black Box tree response to TLM infrastructure (PDF, 2MB)
Environmental works a lifeline for our floodplain Black Box trees at Hattah-Kulkyne National Park (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Fact Sheet – Fish need floodplains too! (745 KB)
Planning Scheme Amendment fact sheet (1.7 MB)
Field in Focus series (technical presentations on EES/ER studies)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on the impact assessment process (PDF, 470 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Surface Water, Groundwater and Geology (PDF, 1,076 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Biodiversity (PDF, 906 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Land Use, Community and Business (PDF, 559 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Cultural Heritage (PDF, 613 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Historical Heritage (PDF, 566 KB)
To see interactive site maps, visit our EES portal.
Other maps
VMFRP site map (PDF, 1 MB)
Gunbower Site Map (PDF, 285 KB)
Guttrum-Benwell Site Map (PDF, 367 KB)
Vinifera Site Map (PDF, 135 KB)
Nyah Site Map (PDF, 177 KB)
Hattah Site Map (PDF, 272 KB)
Belsar-Yungera Site Map (PDF, 702 KB)
Wallpolla Island Site Map (PDF, 300KB)
Lindsay Island Site Map (PDF, 721 KB)
Site stories and FAQs
Guttrum and Benwell Forests FAQ (PDF)
Vinifera site story and FAQ (PDF, 783 KB)
Nyah site story and FAQ (PDF, 706 KB)
Hattah site story and FAQ (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Belsar-Yungera site story and FAQ (PDF, 860 KB)
Wallpolla site story and FAQ (PDF, 877 KB)
Lindsay Island site story and FAQ (PDF, 866 KB)
Flooding frequency data
Gunbower flooding frequency fact sheet (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Guttrum-Benwell flooding frequency fact sheet (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Vinifera flooding frequency fact sheet (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Nyah flooding frequency fact sheet (PDF, 3.6 MB)
Belsar-Yungera Flooding Frequency fact sheet (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Hattah Lakes North flooding frequency fact sheet (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Wallpolla island flooding frequency fact sheet (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Lindsay Island flooding frequency fact sheet (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Flooding scenarios
Flooding scenarios at Nyah (PDF, 3.2 MB)
Flooding scenarios at Vinifera (PDF, 3.2 MB)
Flooding scenarios at Hattah Lakes North – Chalka Creek (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Flooding scenarios at Hattah Lakes North – Lake Boolca (PDF, 3.9 MB)
Flooding scenarios at Belsar-Yungera (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Flooding scenarios at Wallpolla Island (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Flooding scenarios at Lindsay Island (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Environment assessment documents
Environment assessment referrals
Victorian referral documents can be viewed on the DELWP Planning website.
Commonwealth EPBC referrals can be viewed on the DAWE website (Lower Murray Water is the project proponent for the referrals).
Guttrum-Benwell and Gunbower Environment Report
Consultation plan east – Guttrum-Benwell and Gunbower (PDF 2.2 MB)
Scoping requirements – Guttrum-Benwell and Gunbower (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Nyah, Vinifera and Burra Creek Environment Report
Consultation plan central (ER) – Nyah, Vinifera and Burra Creek (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Scoping requirements – Nyah, Vinifera and Burra Creek (PDF, 533 KB)
Hattah Lakes North and Belsar-Yungera Environment Effects Statement
Consultation plan central (EES) – Hattah Lakes North and Belsar-Yungera (PDF, 1.5 MB)
EES scoping requirements – Hattah Lakes North and Belsar- Yungera (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Lindsay and Wallpolla Environment Effects Statement
Consultation plan west – Lindsay and Wallpolla Islands (PDF, 1.2 MB)
EES scoping requirements – Lindsay and Wallpolla Islands (PDF, 2.3MB)
Field in Focus series (presentations on EES/ER technical studies)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on the impact assessment process (PDF, 470 KB)
Field in Focus #1 Fact Sheet on Surface Water, Groundwater and Geology (PDF, 1,076 KB)
Field in Focus #2 Fact Sheet on Biodiversity (PDF, 906 KB)
Field in Focus #3 Fact Sheet on Land Use, Community and Business (PDF, 559 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Cultural Heritage (PDF, 613 KB)
Field in Focus Fact Sheet on Historical Heritage (PDF, 566 KB)
Colouring sheets
Reggie the Regent Parrot colouring sheet (PDF, 3.2 MB)
Gail the Planigale colouring sheet (PDF, 4.9 MB)
Big Red and Boxy tree friends colouring sheet (PDF, 280KB)
Murray River flood plains set for $29 million funding injection for priority watering (ABC Mildura-Swan Hill, 16 November 2021)
Restoring the Victorian Murray Floodplain (Mallee Farmer, Issue 20, Nov 2021, pp 13-18)
Webinars and presentations
VMFRP market briefing presentation November 2021 (PDF, 4.5 MB)
Frequently Asked Questions
General project questions
What is the VMFRP?
The VMFRP will get much needed water back onto high-value floodplains along the Murray River. Without this water, these iconic landscapes will continue to decline – along with the many native trees, animals and plants that depend on them.
The VMFRP is a partnership between Lower Murray Water, Goulburn Murray Water, Mallee Catchment Management Authority, North Central Catchment Management Authority, Parks Victoria and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
The VMFRP will remove blockages that stop floodwater naturally flowing into creeks, and build infrastructure such as flow regulators, channels and containment banks to water the floodplains. Removing these blockages will also allow the water to be released back into the Murray River once it’s done its job. This work will help us to directly deliver the right amount of water at the right times to help our most valuable floodplains and the many species that depend on them.
Why do we need these projects?
The floodplains along the Murray River have evolved to periodically receive water. Historically, the river would spill onto the floodplains as often as 8 out of every 10 years, creating rich, lush landscapes full of life.
As our towns, cities, agriculture and industries have grown over time, we have changed the way the river flows to suit our purposes by using weirs and dams.
While this has benefited regional communities and economies, water no longer flows naturally as it once did and the Murray River can no longer water these floodplains often enough to keep them healthy.
The works and infrastructure will help us get water back onto these floodplains and hold it there for longer. This water will bring new life, improve the condition of vegetation and provide habitat for native animals like fish, birds, frogs and turtles.
It will help these nine ecologically significant floodplains to survive and cope with dry conditions and drought, so they can continue to be enjoyed by future generations.
These works will also bring substantial financial investment into the region, creating jobs and helping local economies, and attracting tourism dollars for generations to come.
Why choose these sites?
The sites were selected because they are:
- likely to show tangible environmental improvements from these works and increased watering
- difficult (if not impossible) to water in other ways
- ecologically significant and home to many native animals and plants, including threatened species like the regent parrot
- recreational hotspots that are much loved by locals and tourists.
What are the benefits of these projects?
Healthier floodplains are good for:
Local communities and visitors
Healthy floodplains are beautiful places to visit and are great for recreation like boating, fishing, birdwatching, hiking, kayaking and camping.
Traditional Owners
Traditional Owners have cultural, spiritual, and economic connections to land, water and resources through their relationship with Country, having managed land and water sustainably over thousands of generations.
Local wildlife
Lots of species rely on floodplains for food, habitat and breeding, from microscopic creatures to frogs, fish, birds, bats and other mammals.
We expect to see increased frog and fish populations, improved productivity of wetlands and improved breeding habitat for waterbirds and other waterway species.
Flooding brings vegetation back to life, creating habitat, foraging and food for floodplain creatures. Some flood-dependent species like river red gums and black box trees rely on the bigger floods that used to happen every 10 years. Animals like bats and birds nest in the hollows of these trees.
Local economies
Projects will bring substantial financial investment into the region, creating jobs and helping local economies. Improving the health and condition of river landscapes can also help attract visitors to the region.
How will you know if projects are delivering benefits?
Long-term monitoring of ecological, cultural and social outcomes before, during and after flood events will be used to check that we are getting the right results from these projects. If we are not seeing as many benefits as planned, we can adapt our approach over time and adjust future watering plans to achieve the VMFRP objectives.
How do you know these projects will work?
Since the early 1990s, the Victorian Government has partnered with stakeholders and communities to manage water to balance social, economic and environmental outcomes. This includes releasing ‘water for the environment’ into rivers and wetlands to mimic some of the flows that would have occurred naturally before the construction of dams, weirs and channels.
This water helps protect the plants, animals and overall health of rivers, wetlands, floodplains and estuaries. A substantial body of research exists to support this work.
Infrastructure like regulators and fishways are already used across Victoria to improve river connectivity and flows. For areas that are difficult to reach with environmental water, improved water infrastructure will play a key role in supporting floodplain and wetland ecosystems.
Similar infrastructure projects have already been successfully implemented at four Victorian sites along the River Murray – Gunbower Forest, Hattah Lakes, Lindsay Island and Mulcra Island – under the Living Murray program. They are delivering great outcomes without allowing flood events that could impact regional communities and landholders. VMFRP projects will build on this work already completed.
According to a Living Murray Icon site condition report in 2018, of the sites with environmental works, sites that have used works to deliver environmental water over successive years are performing better against their ecological objectives than sites that haven’t.
Are there other options?
These projects will get water back onto parts of the floodplain for the time and frequency needed to keep the environment alive and healthy. Projects have already been through substantial planning which involved looking at different infrastructure scenarios and choosing the best option for each site.
The other way to get water back onto the floodplains would be to raise water levels in the Murray River so it overspills its riverbanks and floods the plains naturally. But many businesses and communities live along the Murray River and at some of the nine sites we would see widespread and unsustainable flooding of farms, roads and houses.
Furthermore, we would need more water than is currently available, which would mean potentially buying back water used by irrigators to grow food. This would be a disaster for rural communities as it would reduce the water available to grow jobs and industry.
As we face a future with less water, projects like these will help our unique floodplain ecosystem to bounce back and survive for future generations.
The preferred design of the works is the result of detailed assessments drawing on extensive investigations at the site and overseen by ecological, hydrological and engineering expert review panels. This design will be finalised in 2021–22 during the environment assessment process in response to environmental and heritage assessments and stakeholder and community consultation.
The other alternative is to do nothing, but the targeted inundation areas are already showing significant evidence of ecological stress caused primarily by river regulation. If we don’t deliver these projects, we will continue to see ongoing deterioration of these floodplain ecosystems.
How are projects linked to the Basin Plan?
The VMFRP will help meet Victoria’s ecological objectives under the Murray–Darling Basin Plan. It will build the resilience of floodplains to cope with climate change and low river flows, while also keeping irrigation water in the hands of farmers and the community.
The Basin Plan sets sustainable diversion limits (SDLs), which are limits on how much water can be used in the Basin, while leaving enough water to sustain the environment. Victoria has nine SDL projects, all of which are being delivered under the VMFRP.
A total of 36 SDL projects were incorporated into the Basin Plan in 2018. This project will enable Victoria to meet its commitments to the Basin Plan objectives while balancing the needs of all Victorian water users.
Burra Creek Floodplain Restoration Project
What was the Minister for Plannings assessment on Burra Creek?
Each of the individual VMFRP projects are assessed on their merits in an open and transparent manner through the planning system.
Projects like VMFRP undergo really rigorous assessment processes. These processes have found four of the five VMFRP proposals assessed to date will deliver overall improvements to these sites; however, the Burra Creek project has not met this criteria and will not proceed in its current form.
Will the Burra Creek Floodplain Restoration Project proceed?
The Burra Creek project, in its current form, will not proceed.
What does the Minister’s assessment mean for VMFRP?
Each of the VMFRP’s nine individual projects are assessed on their merits. Four sites already assessed have been deemed to deliver an overall biodiversity improvement, subject to recommendations. We understand Victoria will continue to progress the remaining four unassessed VMFRP sites, dependent on further funding being provided from the Commonwealth.
The Burra Creek assessment demonstrates the strength of the planning assessment process and the rigour that is applied. It provides further confidence that the four projects assessed as delivering overall improvements will deliver lasting benefits to priority sites within the Murray-Darling Basin.
Adding water to the floodplains
How do you know when to add water to the floodplains?
We are currently doing a lot of work to understand what a more natural watering regime looks like at the different levels of the floodplain. We are working out which species of plants and animals we will target, how much water these species need, what time of year the water is needed, and how long the water needs to stay in the floodplains before it can be released back into the Murray River. These decisions will be informed by environmental studies and surveys, as well as the development of environmental water plans.
Will you add water to the floodplains every year?
We will monitor how often natural flooding occurs and release water in the years where the environment needs a ‘top up’ to keep it healthy. We will not release water every year unless the floodplain needs it.
The watering plans at each site will be flexible; each year and each watering event will be tailored depending on things such as the conditions of the floodplain, water availability, river flows and timing since the last flood or watering.
The projects are designed to maximise naturally occurring flood events, enabling us to temporarily hold the water in the floodplain after a flood before releasing it back into the Murray River. However, during dry conditions and low river flows we will have the flexibility to pump water in from the Murray River if a flooding event does not fill the floodplain naturally. This pumping may only be needed during periods of prolonged drought.
Are you taking water away from irrigators?
No, the projects will use existing environmental water entitlements.
Together, these projects have the potential to achieve similar environmental benefits to a natural flood, using much less water. This will enable Victoria to meet its commitments to the Murray–Darling Basin Plan objectives while balancing the needs of all Victorian water users. It will protect farmers and irrigators, as it will improve the environment without need to buy back more water – a win-win for the Murray River and its communities.
Environmental impacts
Will projects have negative ecological impacts?
Every element of each project is structured to ensure net benefit to the conservation values of the floodplains through the improved ability to efficiently deliver water.
As much as possible, we plan to build infrastructure on existing access tracks and previously disturbed areas to minimise the impact on the surrounding area. We have assessed the potential impacts on native flora and fauna and how we can minimise losses, particularly during construction.
Projects must also go through an 18-month environmental assessment process with substantial community consultation before they get approval to go ahead. This process includes an independent assessment of project benefits weighed against potential and real impacts.
After construction, the sites will have operating plans with controls in place to monitor during flood events.
Longer term monitoring will also be in place to assess the environmental response and adapt watering plans accordingly.
Will the extra water increase mosquitoes?
Mosquitos breed in the warmer months. By releasing water in early spring and winter and removing water by summer, we should not see an increase in mosquito activity.
Will flooding of the forest affect the water table? What about rising salt?
We’ve done a preliminary salinity assessment for all VMFRP projects according to the statewide salinity assessment guidelines (which includes groundwater tables and salinity levels, surface water salt wash and salt load). Based on this assessment, the projects will not generate a salinity impact to the Murray River or surrounding areas.
Additional groundwater monitoring bores have been installed at some sites to allow the project to monitor groundwater levels before and after watering to confirm these assessments.
Will these projects result in more blackwater events and water quality impacts?
Darker water that is full of nutrients and carbon is often confused as ‘black water’. In fact, this darker water provides much needed benefits to the river, fish and macroinvertebrates, such as nutrients and food. Gum-leaf litter for example is full of nutrients and is the best kind of fish and plant food you can get.
But if leaf litter is not washed off a floodplain or riverbank regularly, and there is a summer flood, organic matter can be washed into the river. As the litter breaks down, it chews up all the oxygen, making it hard for fish, Murray crays or other organisms to breathe. If they can’t escape to a fresher section of the river, they can die.
Regular flows at the right time of year can gradually wash all this leaf litter away. Flows in spring and autumn mean the litter is not flushed out during the hotter months – reducing the likelihood of toxic blackwater events.
We can manage the risk of blackwater events by controlling the duration and frequency of water flows in and out of the floodplain. These projects are designed to give us the flexibility to operate the infrastructure as we need to, depending on the watering needs of the floodplains at any given time.
Ecological monitoring will play a critical role in managing water quality at the project sites. Regular water quality testing will be undertaken to monitor things like oxygen levels in the water. This monitoring will inform the timing of water releases back into the Murray River so we can avoid the risk of blackwater events.
How is the VMFRP working to support land managers to deliver pest, plant and animal control to complement these works?
Previous watering programs such as The Living Murray show that environmental water can have some risks of increased impacts from weeds, pest animals and overabundant native plants.
The VMFRP will work with land managers to help them secure future funding to manage known risks of environmental water delivery.
This regional approach has already proven successful through collaborating to attract funding for pest plant and animal control where it is needed most.
Will more flooding move native animals onto nearby farmland?
We know that native animals occupying farmland is an existing problem for landowners, with or without environmental watering. While floodwater causes native animals to seek higher ground, they may also be attracted to irrigated paddocks and growing pastures due to the lack of food in dry and deteriorating forests.
The proposed environmental watering events will not inundate every inch of the forests and there are significant areas of higher ground where kangaroos and other species can go to. Native animals will benefit from the watering events as it will give them food in the forest which hopefully will keep them there. This will be something to monitor over time and the community can help with this.
Project timing and cost
What stage are projects up to?
The nine sites are now going through the various environmental, planning and works approval processes.
How much will projects cost?
Total cost is estimated to be about $300 million.
Who is funding this projects?
The Australian Government will fund this project.
Water corporation customers will not fund these works and their tariffs will not be affected. Future operational costs will be externally funded and water customers will not be impacted.
Planning and approvals (EES)
What approvals do projects need?
The project sites have already gone through extensive planning, but no approval has been granted and construction has not started. We must meet a range of Commonwealth and State statutory approvals before proceeding to construction, including:
- Victorian environmental assessments
- Commonwealth environmental approvals
- Victorian planning approval
- Cultural Heritage Management Plans
In December 2020, the Victorian Minister for Planning confirmed the environmental assessment pathway for the nine sites. This process ensures that projects are subject to a thorough, integrated and transparent assessment of any potential effects on the environment.
Read more about the approvals process.
Why are some sites being assessed together?
The Minister for Planning in his decisions required the VMFRP to jointly assess sites located close together with similar environmental outcomes to help streamline the assessment process.
Based on the Minister’s decisions, the nine VMFRP sites were divided into the following four assessment zones:
Project sites | Zone | Environmental assessment process |
Gunbower and Guttrum–Benwell | East (ER) | Joint Environment Report |
Nyah, Vinifera, and Burra Creek | Central (ER) | Joint Environment Report |
Hattah Lakes North and Belsar–Yungera | Central (EES) | Joint Environment Effects Statement |
Lindsay Island and Wallpolla Island | West (EES) | Joint Environment Effects Statement |
In January 2024, the Minister for Planning’s assessment of the Burra Creek project (one of nine sites that form the VMFRP) was received. The Burra Creek project, in its current form, will not proceed.
More information on the assessment can be found here.
Community consultation
How can communities get involved?
We know these floodplains are enjoyed by many users and are important to our communities in a number of ways. Throughout project planning and design, we will engage closely with the community and stakeholders to understand what’s important to them, and how their aspirations for the site can be incorporated into the project design and operations.
Find out how to get involved with the project and read more about the environment assessment process.
How will you work with Traditional Owners and protect cultural values?
Traditional Owners have cultural, spiritual, and economic connections to land, water and resources through their relationship with Country, having managed land and water sustainably over thousands of generations.
The VMFRP is actively approaching key stakeholders, including Traditional Owners and the community throughout this process to ensure they are included, so these projects not only deliver environmental, socioeconomic and community outcomes, but also respect cultural values.
This work includes developing Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) for each of the nine sites – a written report containing the results of an assessment and conditions to be complied with before, during and after an activity to manage and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage in an identified area.
For more information on CHMPs, visit Aboriginal Victoria.
Will construction cause disruption?
The construction phase may temporarily disrupt access to some parts of the Murray River and its floodplains. We will work with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Parks Victoria to maintain access to some sections of the park during construction, to minimise disruptions where possible and to make sure the community and stakeholders are aware of them ahead of time.
These floodplains are great places to camp, fish and bushwalk, and are vital for local businesses. Keeping these floodplain forests healthy is a big part of attracting tourism to our region.
So, while there will be some disruption in the short-term, these projects will improve visitor experiences over the longer term and protect our floodplains for future generations to experience and enjoy.